Category: Grooming Your Labradoodle

Labradoodle Health and Wellness: Keeping Your Pet Happy and Fit

labradoodle breeder in Michigan

Labradoodles are known for their playful and affectionate nature, making them wonderful companions for families. To ensure that your Labradoodle stays happy and healthy, it’s essential to pay attention to their physical and mental well-being. Tips for Labradoodle Health and Wellness Regular Exercise: Labradoodles are energetic dogs and require daily exercise to stay happy and… Read more »

How to Properly Brush Your Labradoodle’s Coat

Labradoodle in sunshine out on the deck

Labradoodles have a variety of coats that can consist of wiry, curly, or super soft to the touch. They do not have an undercoat, which means it’s a single coat, and they will shed little to nothing at all. This comes as a great relief for dog owners, especially Labradoodle owners because there are many… Read more »